meansters ball

Monday, March 28, 2005

Spring Break

Sorry to all my Profs, I'm not missing school. I do, however, miss my students. I saw one of them walking the other day, I didn't want to scare him so I refrained from rolling down my window and hollering at him. He is so funny. He's middle eastern, and I'm pretty sure he has been in the country less than two years. I think his parents must be freaking out as he wears rock t-shirts in the vein of Tool, Korn, and other heavy headbanger stuff. He wears black and even paints his fingernails black. Can you imagine coming here from a relatively conservative country and your child going totally headbanger. It's hard enough for me and my kid grew up here. I don't censor my kid, but sometimes I wonder if that's the best decision. Oh my son has never painted his nails black, and he listens to all kinds of music, sometimes I don't approve, but I keep it to myself. I let him know if I feel music is sexist or racist. I cannot abide hate or misogyny. He's pretty good about censoring himself in that regard.
Well the husband has his Harley. He is sooooo happy. He goes out to the garage just to look at it, that is when he's not riding it. I now know the meaning of Hog heaven.
Hey Bernie I'm a little intimidated by the powerpoint thing. But then aren't I intimidated by most of this techie stuff. Oh and thanks for letting me know about the Lederer thing at the Don Powell. I got to see about an hour of it. He was great, but the part I liked the best was when he said something to the effect of; "Congratulations you all speak 300 languages, it's called English." I cracked up. I'll have to tell that to my ELLs.
Finally bought the one and only CD by Frou Frou. I'm really digging it. Bought my husband the new Jack Johnson CD.
Just heard the drummer from Crowded House died. He was only 46. Feeling more sad than mean, out for now.


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