meansters ball

Sunday, March 13, 2005

I should be taking a nap

But here I am. I just read a few blogs recommended by Bernie that were written by teachers. What is it with English teachers and football. Aren't we supposed to be more cerebral than that. But nooooo, we love football. I'm not going to name the team I generally root for as it may tend to incriminate me. I did find the blogs interesting, but I think I have the most in common with the football (Eagles) fan. I do see such amazing things in the school I am with. I get to be the proverbial fly on the wall. I am the extra pair of hands when an ADD student needs some one on one. I am trusted, I was after the first three days. I love these kids, every one is filled with potential and I see my job as pulling, no, yanking that potential to the surface. I know it will not always be possible, but I sure as heck am going to try. I say the word college, I tell students they can get there. One of the students likes to doodle basically what is graffiti lettering. It's good. It's artistic. I told him about a community college with a great graphic arts program. He doesn't need to think about a university. He may be inspired to that goal someday. A small step (push) in the right direction can make all the difference to this young man. I don't think anyone has mentioned the word college to him. I've heard some talk that he will probably end up in a gang. I think he is better than that and he has a talent. After I talked to him about graphic arts he seemed to step up a bit to the challenge of learning English. Why not, now he maybe sees a reason for it. He even shows me his completed assignments. I'm so proud of him. One young girl was reading Roald Dahl's Skin. I asked her if she was going to college. She didn't think so. I told her anyone who reads Roald Dahl has to go to college. She just smiled at me indulgently. She would love studying Literature, I just know it. I feel like a kid in a candy store (do you think I use too many cliches?) Maybe I should say I feel like an artist with unlimited time and canvas. Can you have too many metaphors or similes?
Cliche=commonplace platitude. Platitude=trite remark. Hmmmm I don't think I was being trite, It didn't feel particularly tritish.
Anyhow here's some news from the six disc ( by the way, the football fan loves music too) I have added the new Chemical Brothers "Galvanize" to my collection. It is getting a lot of play on the six disc. Also this Jules guy who collaborated with some other artist to put together some old torch type songs. It's okay. And lastly The Why Store. They do some ballady old timey rock and roll kind of stuff. The lead singer has this great deep gravel pit voice. Love that. Almost reminiscent of Joe Cocker. A tad more controlled. Well love to all and peace, or as we said in the 70's "peace, lub dub"


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