meansters ball

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Earthquake in the House

Bernie, the word "ludite is not in any of my dictionaries, not even my American Heritage. That's pretty bad. However, I think I can answer the prompt. Art is Art is Art is Art. I don't think anyone can label a particular method as unacceptable in form.
Art="Creative or imaginative activity, the expressive arrangement of elements within a medium." Who defines which medium is acceptable? If it's a ludite I'm not sure it counts.
Anyway, back to earthquakes in the house. At 4:06 My husband and I were jolted awake by the moving of the earth in a dramatic fashion. Feeling relieved my husband needed to relieve himself. On his way back to bed he tripped while trying to avoid stepping on the lying dog. I could not see him in the dark but the noise he created was astounding. The crashing and bumping and pounding seemed to go on forever as he fell into my chaval (standing) mirror, somehow gently leaning it against the wall while he fell halfway through the window (on the second story). He knocked the screen out onto the neighbor's roof. We are quite sure the neighbors thought that little aftershock made quite a racket. Yes, my husband the aftershock. When I could compose myself long enough to speak I lamely tried to make my husband feel better by stating that at least he had not fallen out the window. He declared, "Oh, I couldn't fall out there naked!" Yes, my husband the aftershock is a modest man.
No school today, so I cleaned the windows and the mirror and replaced the screen. My husband and the neighbor had a good laugh, so all is well.
The day was crazy. I found out that someone apparently rode their bicycle into the side of my truck, leaving a huge dent, but no note. I left my purse in the shopping cart at the market and went all the way home. Fortunately it was still there when I discovered it was missing and ran back to the store. Oh, and I ruined a full dryer load of clothes by leaving a black ink pen in a pocket. It is Wednesday the 13th. I guess I don't need it to be Friday to be a ditz.
On to the six disc and better things. Listening now to Joanie Mitchell's "Blue". It is on the list of essential CDs.
Bye for now the mean one has to get herself off of this bad trip.


At 11:23 PM, Blogger One Trick Pony said...

Two Ds in Luddite. Here's a definition.

Funny description of the earthquake at your house. It reminds me of the night a power line transformer blew up outside our bedroom window. The room was filled with a blinding green light accompanied by a loud sizzle.

My wife and I both leaped crazily out of bed and ran for the door, but in my eagerness to escape the Martian invaders, I knocked her to the floor. We can laugh about it now, but in her heart she knows I'm looking out for number one when the UFOs land here.

At 7:55 AM, Blogger Norma said...

I'm originally from the San Fernando Valley, home of the Northridge quake of '94. I missed it by 12 hours, and like most people fromt that earthquake my grandparents ran outside. They said while they were standing outside trying to figure out what to do their next door neighbor came running out with no clothes on. I didn't feel this earthquake earlier this week. It has to be greater than a moving train and small airport to wake me up, those were two disturbances from my childhood. I'm a deep sleeper so lucky me.


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