meansters ball

Monday, January 09, 2006

Here I Go Again

I'm very excited about my semester coming up, of course allowing for the trepidation of the unknown. I'll be teaching World Literature to high school seniors. It won't be academically as diverse a class as I have been used to, but I'm after a new experience after all. Am I right? So off I go into a new adventure.
Hi Bernie, I don't know how you have the time to read all of these things, but if you do, my cooperating teacher is getting his Master's in Ed Tech as we speak. Cool huh? He knows of you, and you probably know of him. I'm thinking one semester is probably not enough to fully access all of the technological needs I will have, so you may see me again as time goes on. That's not a bad thing right. Right now I can look at my cooperating teacher with that same glazed expression and ask "What?" It won't be the same as doing that to you, but we make do.
Just got a new CD by Joan Armatrading. Love her voice, it's inimitable. (New Word: Inimitable= can not be reproduced) My husband got the movie "Devil's Rejects" He thinks it's acceptable because Ebert and Roeper gave it thumbs up. I refuse to watch it, and it gave my six foot,
two hundred pound, biker husband nightmares. Not for me. I did finally get to see "Cinderella Man" and although fighting, even the sport of boxing kind of fighting, makes me tense, I enjoyed the movie.
Now I have the task of finding the film version of Macbeth by Kurosawa. I really want to share that version with my students ( I would love to see it again myself).
I haven't had as much time as I like to read, but I guess my day will come. My husband bought me Amy Tan's Saving Fish from Drowning and I'm very excited about that.
My New Year resolution was to slow down. I have broken it every single day since the New Year, but maybe I will accomplish it as the year goes by, or maybe meansters don't know how.
Hi Joey.


At 1:41 PM, Blogger One Trick Pony said...

Hey Meanster.... congratulations on being the only one in your class to keep your blog going this long. You're truly a 21st century teacher!

Who's your cooperating teacher?

Glad your year is off to such a good start. I have high hopes for this semester as well.

Look forward to seeing you around the halls of North Education again some day.
::: Bernie :::


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