meansters ball

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Tom Cruise is a Very Dangerous Man

I don't usually pay much attention to the thoughts of silly little actors, I know there may be some intelligent life out there, but I do not count Tom Cruise as such. He is a decent actor who has participated in a few good films, but many folks may put some stock in what this actor has to say. That makes him a very dangerous man. He does not believe that there is in fact any such thing as mental illness. On the Today Show he spoke with Matt Lauer and stated "There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance." He offers this opinion based on his in depth study of the history of psychiatry. He did not offer up any of his degrees in the area of medicine, sociology or history. He may have a degree, he just did not state such among the ego driven maniacal display on the Today show. I have to assume the man has never studied human biology, or he may have the slightest clue that humans are made up of chemicals and most physical problems involve an imbalance. You understand if you have any idea of human cell structure that chemical imbalances cause everything from the common cold to cancer. The last time I looked the brain is considered a physical part of the physical body and just teeming with all sorts of chemicals. I suppose while the rest of the body fights chemically induced problems every second of every day of our lives the brain is somehow immune. So maybe after the huge hurdle of removing the giant stigma from the diagnosis of mental illness, Mr. Cruise almighty has set the standard back one hundred years or so. He offers that anyone can be mentally sound with the application of proper diet and exercise. I might offer to Mr. Cruise that he should attempt to eat the proper foods and get plenty of exercise, because he is whacked to the hilt. I sincerely hope that those folks out there being helped by meds see this fool for what he is, an actor who read a couple of books, specifically chosen to support his POV. May he sail happily ever after on the river Styx. Mean one meaner than ever and out .


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