meansters ball

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I did pretty well this semester. I got one A-. I hate the - thing. It just blows. I am told that I am a mental case when it comes to grades. One professor asked me if an A- was better or worse than a B. Well logically the A- is worth more points than a B, but I still hate the A-. Maybe it's a negativity thing, the - is negative A. PHLLBBT!
I hate grades. Maybe we should just get accomplishment marks. Yes this student has accomplished all of the requirements of the course. Or not.
Just makes me so dang mean.
Well the kids all have short timer's syndrome. They can't wait for summer break. One girl is having such a tough time of it. She tried to tell me that the particular school is bad. I told her "No you don't" the school and instructors are excellent and the ESL program is unique to other schools in the district. She is getting an excellent education. So she admitted she is having trouble with some other students. It's unusual as she is not having racial issues or any other bias problems. She is Moslem and her antagonists are Moslem. Moslem is not the same from person to person, or group to group. I guess it is a little like Ireland where two Christian based groups are constantly fighting. Tsk. At any rate this young girl and I have had some good discussions. She has missed quite a bit of school, and the concept of an excuse from home is quite foreign to her. My master teacher has printed up special excuses that need only to be signed and dated by parents. So the girl finally got that straightened out. Before she did she got a notice for detention. I could see she was upset so I told her to go clear it up with the attendance office during lunch. She asked if she could go to jail for being truant. I told her that she could have a misdemeanor if she missed more than 3 days unexcused in the state of CA. I told her it was not usually enforced except in really bad cases. But I asked her if she wanted to pay a fine or do community service, like picking up trash on the side of the freeway. She said no, she would come to school. She was absent yesterday. So it goes, Meanie out


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