meansters ball

Friday, September 23, 2005

Week 6

Hi all Y'all,
Life got pretty interesting this week. One of my students called me a name somewhat worse than witch. It rhymes anyway. I was attempting to keep him on task, and well, he didn't want to be. I said "Excuse me?" with my best wicked witch imitation and he backed down. I know this student has major issues and I don't want to hurt him. He had said the word under his breath and I may have read more into what he actually said, so no referral. It was close though. After I had time to think about it I thought it was actually pretty funny. I guess my classroom management is in place.
Today the the students and I were discussing getting older and maintaining memory when I mentioned as a strategy that one continue to work using my own mother as an example of how well this has worked for her. One of the students was shocked that my mother still works, and he asked why. I answered "why not?" He asked wasn't she too old. What does that say about me? Well one of the young ladies called him down for his lack of tact and we had other things to cover. So I guess I'm old and worse than a witch. Mean on top of that, still mean and out here, bye bye.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger Norma said...

At least your students think you are an adult. My students originally thought I was a TA, I'm flattered, but none realized that I'm two months away from being thirty. More often than not the staff thinks I'm a student. I have students who know me run up to me and say I'm finally your height. And for other students they think my youthful look will make me a push over, they had a rude awakening today. I told them little person, loud void and am not afraid to use it to get your attention and keep your focus. And my favorite, getting lost in the crowd of high schoolers, where I do feel like I am the smallest person there.


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