meansters ball

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Little Angels

Is it wrong for someone as mean as I to adore my students so completely. It just seems wrong. I put together a unit plan for "Beowulf", with a bit of help from my cooperating teacher (he gave some sound advice without changing the form or content of the lesson. I appreciate that). So far my students have not only performed brilliantly, they have complimented the usefulness of the activities. They have even said they are learning alot. That is so funny because I gave the students a variety of topics to research, and then teach to the class. So my students are basically teaching the lesson. How cool is that. Uh Oh, there goes that joy thing. I am really having way too much fun, I must be doing something wrong.
Just bought the "essential" Jefferson Airplane CD. It has some great pieces on it, however no one conferred with me on the song selection, especially when they are calling it the "essential" Airplane.
I want to check out the new Sergio Mendez, I might love it.
Hey Bernie, one of my students asked to borrow my Kite Runner. Man, I haven't even had time to read it yet. She's reading it for her outside reading project. She's a very cool girl.
I'm telling you, all this is sounding way too positive for such a meanie, I'd better go now before I say something I'd really regret. Bye for now.


At 10:34 PM, Blogger One Trick Pony said...

Ah... the high of teaching. Enjoy it whenever it happens. It's a little like young love, but it keeps happening even 3 decades into a career.

She'll like Kite Runner. Now I'm reading Philip Roth's The Plot Against America. It's an alternate history. What if Charles Lindbergh had won the 1940 election and kept us out of WWII while slowly tightening the noose around American Jews. Pretty interesting and might make a good high school book since it's told from the point of view of the author as a pre-teen.

Keep on!


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