meansters ball

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I am not sure I have ever felt so tired. I am even feeling more tired than mean, and that means trouble with a capital T. I can say that the tired I get from teaching is the good kind of tired. The tired I get from working is bad. The tired I get from my university studies is numbing, and the tired I get from looking at job possibilities in SD is just plain stress related. I really need a rest. Of course you should always be careful what you wish for. I'm student teaching in the Grossmont district this semester. I still love my students, some of them are a pain, but not so much. It is funny though, it seems the students who scream the loudest, and who demand the most attention, are the students who are least willing to work, or take their work seriously. How do you fix that?
There are some people who are interested in why I have listed Cystic Fibrosis on my list of interests. I have two granddaughters with the disease. They are lively, perky, precocious children. They are beautiful to look at, and a delight to be with. The disease limits their longevity, but not their life. They are happy, bossy, silly girls. You cannot see their disability, it hides beneath their alabaster skin. We are blessed by them for as long as they are with us here on earth, and beyond. You see it is very hard not to have faith when you know life will not be as long as you would like it to be for someone you love deeply. And then again who knows, with research and technology speeding along at exponential rates, maybe, just maybe................................
Lots'o love to everybody from the mean one, over and out.


At 8:42 PM, Blogger Norma said...

Just think it will be done soon. I remembered how tiring that was last year. I have yet to find a job, but I haven't really been looking. I'm afraid to start in the middle of the school year. I sub once in a while, but I hate it most especially at certain schools were students are just horrible. But I tell myself they are just like this to the sub. I do have leads, but they are in the San Fernando Valley, so hopefully I'll have something soon.


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