meansters ball

Friday, March 24, 2006

Hey Norma

Norma, It's so good to hear from you. Yes soon I'll be on my way to new adventures in education land. Val Pang contacted me recently. She is starting up a new program for a masters degree in Urban Education. Bernie would be glad to know it even incorporates an EDTech component, or maybe he had something to do with that. I am thinking once I get done with any induction stuff I have to conclude to clear my credential, that I may take Val up on this one. It's the only Masters in Ed. that has held any fascination for me, it must be that EDTech component. Up until now I've only thought of getting a masters in Brit Lit or Linguistics.
I hear many new teachers complain about burn out after the program, I did my program in 3 semesters, and it seems to be a gentler way through it all. I'm a little freaked out about the application and interview process of getting that job. I've been on the other end of that for so long. But it is just a human thing, and I need to keep that in perspective. My main problem is that I don't want to leave SD. It's a family thing, and family comes first. But I've been told not to despair about the seeming job drought, but now is the time to apply. I've heard Mount Miguel is losing quite a few teachers this year. I really want to work in a diverse setting, so I'll keep trying in this area, even if it means subbing for a period of time. During spring break I plan on really getting out there and throwing some resumes around. I swear it makes the education part of this whole thing seem like a breeze in comparison. Well here's to you Norma, and best wishes. I know subbing can be a pain, maybe it must be done with referral in hand ;-} How mean is that?! Bye


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