meansters ball

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Gee Whiz

I've been at this thing for about three years now. What, am I crazy.
Well bad news folks. My school is suffering from the under-enrollment flu. And although we have worked hard and raised a lot of money, fear of the school closing is causing a hemorrhage of students. So no matter how much cash we seem to raise, it ends up walking out of the door with a student who wants to be sure they have a place in another school before those schools fill up to capacity. It seems to be a losing battle, and I will be out of work at the semester. It is so sad to see a good school die. If the fates could be against something, we are surely a target. Just as the fund raising is rolling along in a very positive way, Fire. Fire happens, no one can help that, but folks this school is in Ramona. If people had cash available before the fire, they did not have it after. People who did have cash to donate had fire victims to worry about, as it should be. But our cause got left in the ashes. And with no real guarantee from our little board and outright hostility from the larger district hoodoos, students and staff became very insecure. And finally with unfulfilled pledges in our hand the administration said pack it up. So we packed it up, and suddenly there were pledges, at least enough to make the semester. This created hope that we could raise what we needed for the balance of the year given the time to accomplish it. Then the larger district threatened that space would be limited if students did not transfer by a particular date. Thus the exodus and the nail in the coffin. The little board has not given up, but anything short of corporate support will simply not be enough.
So here I am, I feel I have so much to offer, and I love this little school; I'm a little lost right now. I watch as a local Indian Casino pumps hundreds of thousands of dollars into a two night holiday event, and I say to my husband, "What about pumping some cash into the future of a hundred and twenty students?" Cynically he answers that we won't advertise the Casino quite as well as December nights. So Sad, So Mad, and just a little meaner for the trouble.


At 5:19 PM, Blogger Norma said...

I'm sorry to hear about your school. That is terrible. I thought you were at one of the larger school districts. Hopefully something will come through for you soon. It's strange you are at a school that needs money, and I am at a school that is brand new with the most up-to-date technology imaginable. My school only lacks supplies which are arriving daily.


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