meansters ball

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I hate job hunting

It's so funny to sit in the hotseat as someone looking for a job, since forever I have been the interviewer in these situations. It is so hard to let someone know what a good teacher you will be while just trying to sell yourself in a twenty minute span of time. They want to know about my education. I have learned cross- cultural sociology and the family in a cross cultural perspective from an American Indian who was taken from his family at age 11 and placed in a boarding school where he was supposed to be "Americanized". He pulled himself through the anger and hate and is now an educator who is sympathetic and knowledgable about and toward all cultures, even the culture that nearly destroyed him. I learned English and Humanities in a combined course that focused on the diverse cultural contributions that led to the creation of western civilization through literature and the arts. I learned American History from a Mexican American who taught me the destructive US policies that have created corruption and inhumanity in South American countries based on corporate greed. I learned the sociology of women in a cross-cultural perspective, I have learned the contribution of women across all cultures to the expansion of the literary canon. I have learned how women, as well as others who hold minority status among the dominant culture, have had to fight to gain an education. I have learned about creating a caring and compassionate class room from a Japanese American woman who wrote the book on the subject, literally. I learned how to deal with special needs children, something especially dear to my heart as I have two grandchildren with disabilities. I have learned educational technology from the guy who got me started on this blogging thing, and who is constantly innovative in his field ( hi Bernie). I have spent time volunteering to cut hair in a group home facility with emotionally troubled children, I have volunteered in alternative education sites. I have developed a family within each classroom I have been a part of, and now I can't get a job. I have letters of recommendation from my master teachers, but I tend to show off the letters of recommendation I have received from my students, because you see I may not be impressive to some of the administrators I have met, but they are not the audience I am trying to reach, I want to reach the students I will be sharing my time with, they are the ones I want to impress. How's that for mean.


At 12:23 PM, Blogger CFchampion said...

Thank you for your comment on my CF book blog. How are your grandchildren's health?

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Norma said...

Hate it too! I never heard anything from the school that I did the demo lesson. That has been my only interview, but I look at it as experience. I think I too will be subbing because I can't upload my blasted files, they are too big, onto ed-join. Am hating that. You think that would have been something that we could have done in the program. Hope you find a job! Norma


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