meansters ball

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Just Don't Understand

And maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but what is the problem with large districts and charter schools. I mean we have a max capacity of 150 students. The only full time high school in the area is sitting 46 students to an English class. They cannot even fit 150 more into those classes. Tonight we depend on that board to approve a new charter from an incoming investor so our school will finally have financial stability, and be able to stay open. We have the highest API score among the high schools in this district, and even high enough to boost us over most of the schools in CA. So why are we having this discussion. The charter school group that wants to come in will be investing in the community and bringing jobs and income into the area . Who can argue with that. Well stay tuned. If the District tries to shut this down the scream will be heard throughout the land, and five people will be committing political suicide. The mean one will definitely not go quietly into that dark night.


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