meansters ball

Monday, August 22, 2005

Here Goes

Hi all one or two of you who read this thing,
Today was the first day of school. The students were great, and I was glad my deodorant was working! Standing in front of a bunch of 8th graders is a daunting task, but they all put up with me and we got along. My master teacher put me right in as a cooperating teacher and tossed me out there. This was after observing her first class. After all of the administrative stuff we had the students write about their favorite room in their house. I read them all and I cannot begin to tell you how much you can learn from one paragraph about a room. I jotted down notes about who is thoughtful or insightful, who is shy or outgoing, artistic, sensitive, I could go on and on. I stand amazed. I think I'm going to be happy here. All went extraordinarily well. But I was warned that the youngsters are always on their best behavior the first week. My master teacher noted that some of the kids gave signs of being sketchy. Sketchy is okay with me as long as they are using the good brains I know they have. Very few kids were struggling with the writing, and that is more likely to be a language issue than an ability issue. That can be accomodated. Onward and forward.
From the 6-disc, well I've added some new pieces. A couple of Grateful Dead things at the suggestion, or request from the hubby, the new Nickle Creek (did you know I have a thing for bluegrass, probably not) It is satisfying, but I prefer their first outing. Last but certainly not least some old digitally-remastered Spirit, it is way beyond cool. I told the hubby that this band came around and were gone way before their time. You young folks should give a listen.
Finally read something, it was a quick read, and far from satisfying. It was a Dean R. Koontz ramble called The Face. Pretty much a long string of paranoid conspiracy driven mind freaks loosely attached to the point of near drivel. He's done better and he's done worse. I'm starting to get into The Adventures of Kavalier and Klay. So wonderfully written that I know I will have to read it in fits because the future schedule is going to be a little insane.
Insane= exhibiting or afflicted with mental disorder (hey, I resemble that remark), characteristic or associated with persons who are insane (hey, I know those people), very foolish, absurd (my schedule). Well I'm off to see the wizard, as one of my students wrote today "Peace Out"