meansters ball

Friday, August 21, 2009

Demonizing Christians: The Oxymoron

So how mean can I get today. I just heard of the ACLU bringing a lawsuit and provoking criminal charges against two men and a woman who said a prayer at a private function held in a public place. What ever happened to freedom of speech; not to mention freedom of religion? Christianity is a culture among many in this nation. Do I care if you are a Christian, well it would not be the worst thing you could be, unless the ACLU found out. I might pray for you, but I would still like you if you chose Atheism, Agnosticism, Islam, Judaism, or Buddhism. That is what freedom and democracy is about. We can coexist (I see the bumper sticker all the time and I have to wonder if you mean it) without hating or hurting each other, or dragging each other into court. I like my faith and what it stands for. Bob Marley said it best "one love" (and he was Rastafarian). I love all of the people I come in contact with. I may not like some of the things people do, but I can understand some of it. I try to understand most of what people hold on to as a belief system, even if that is faith in only what you can see and touch. That is your right as an individual.
Sure, every faith system has a troubled past involving violence and intolerance. As an Atheist or Agnostic, do you want to add yourself to the list of faith based systems that has imprisoned or committed violence against a whole culture group? Even to be prejudiced against those who are of the faith based culture demonstrates a deeper hypocrisy than any that came before.
I do not understand what the problem is. Let me give you an example of one group of Christians that meets locally in my neighborhood. One family has adopted 22 special needs children that, under an Utilitarian ethic, could have been euthanised or aborted. Instead they are loved and contribute to their community by working and caring for others. When the family's van burned up this small faith based group of 120+ came together and bought them a new one. The government didn't have to spend a dime. When the tsunami hit Indonsia several years ago this same group helped rebuild one of the small towns by raising 10,000. among their own congregation without going into the community for donations. We have saved our, and other governments thousands upon thousands of dollars by taking care of our own and our community. A woman came to us once, and she was not a member of our congregation, but she had no food for the holidays. Members of this group contributed three turkeys and enough food to fill her pantry and refrigerator to overflowing. She never came back to attend church. We did not feel bad about that; we were happy to share. And listen up folks, that was one small group of 120 humane people. Imagine small and large groups across the country, and throughout the world, providing assistance and sustenance to those in need. Just think in terms of dollars, tax dollars. Do I deserve to go to jail because I give a prayer of gratitude for my meal in a restaurant? If so come get me now. I won't even put up a fight. I'll pray over my meal in jail, with gratitude. I'm so mean you cant' even kill me if you killed me. Some of you are mean enough to understand that. Some of you know about how those of faith feel in these perilous times.



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