meansters ball

Friday, November 10, 2006

Well here we are and I actually have a real day off. I'm getting along, but time is always at a premium. I have to learn to type faster. I'm enjoying my job and the charter school. I't's funny, some of the teachers in mainstream schools seem to think I would want to get into a regular district high school as soon as possible. They just assume a charter school position is not something to be desired. I did enjoy the work I did in the regular high school, and I really miss the students. I worked with inner city students and they were awesome. Some of the politicking in the larger district concerned me, that isn't what I'm about. The students I work with now are living in a semi-rural situation, they come from private and home schooling, and most choose to be there. Most of them are very dedicated and have high aspirations. And some of these students are here because it is where their parents want them to be, and they create the most difficulty because they simply don't want to be in the school. They are my most challenging obstacle right now. They are finding out that I am very determined and downright stubborn. One of them accused me of being Irish. What is that supposed to mean?
Well just wanted to poke my head in, it's been a while. I'll be back, mean and yes, Irish.