meansters ball

Monday, January 15, 2007

I swore I'd keep this up

So here am I. This teacher business is truly busy-ness. I barely have time to take a breath before it's go time again. I think I'm catching on to this gig, and I hope next year will be smooth sailing.
Bernie here is the good news. My students are all becoming proficient at webquests, word processing, and other web based tasks. I have them creating magazine covers, advertisements and other artwork to accompany assignments. Here's the bad news, I feel like I am becoming the cyber-police. The school has put up blocking measures/firewalls to keep students from popular game sites, as well as MySpace, YouTube, etc. The problem is the complaint that a student can't get to websites (the claim is) that they want to gather research or information from. There have been issues with instant messaging, chat, threats, how do you like that, cyber-bullying. And e-mail is absolutely necessary because if the z-drive is down the students have to e-mail their work to me or themselves to save it if they don't have a flash drive to save stuff on. Bernie the list goes on and on, with servers down, access denied, stolen or forgotten passwords, and because of the firewall my yearbook students have to build their pages at home. It feels lovely at times not to have to go to the library or a lab for the students to access computers, but it's like a Pandora's box when it comes to all of the various issues to consider. All of this on top of the day to day teacher stuff.
So there goes that little diatribe. Am I going to have trouble with the new version of this site, or should I switch over as soon as possible? What if I don't have a google account? I need answers for my insecurities.
On the music front, Just got a couple new CDs. Muse "Knights of Sidonia" and Snow Patrol, self titled. Muse is something new that sounds like something from the past, and my husband calls Snow Patrol girl's music. What's that supposed to mean? I'm fond of both CDs. Just got a boxed set of the Doors for the hubby. I wonder if he considers that "boy's music"?
Well I love my job. I would like to get back in school. I guess I'll be taking the GRE this summer. Have to decide what to get my MA in. Still have BTSA to contend with next year, but I could probably manage a couple of classes. The mere mention of more school causes the eyes in my family's heads to roll. The enjoyment that gives me is further proof of the inate meanness I possess. Enough for now