meansters ball

Thursday, July 28, 2005

What Summer?

I cannot believe there are only 3 weeks left before I head back to school. I feel as though I have accomplished very little. Blasted life, it just seems to get in the way. I've done precious little reading. I've usually devoured three or four books by now. I'm at about one and a half. I have been working, painting the living area, and the usual routine of life maintenence, but it seems time has just flown by. I have spent alot of time with my mom. Did I mention I'm a real momma's girl? Well there it is, all out there for the world to know.
I'm kind of sorry I'm not going to Street Scene, the Flaming Lips will be there Saturday. I just can't justify spending the money (being a poor student) when the ticket prices are so exhorbitant. I'm not sure I would enjoy the new parking lot venue. I really miss family day, which was Sunday, and very pleasant. The kids are going. I guess I'll wait for their critique before I spend my money. I guess I'm really getting to the point that I enjoy a smaller, more intimate venue. I was sad that Kings of Leon were here at 4th and B and I had to miss because it was a Sunday night and the hubby and I had to work the next day. Remember the days when you could play half the night away and still make it to work? To all you kidlets out there, those days end. I do know a few tweeners out there (tween being older than some and not as old as others) who still practice a regular night life, but they are nut cases or out and out disfunctional in the day time.
I did purchase the Kings of Leon CD, and I am totally in love with it. I hope I get to see the band soon, because if the lead singer keeps on blasting his voice out that way he's not going to last long. The music is real slap your face rock and roll. Love it!
I took my Toyota dealership to task on their complete reluctance to offer customer service in the case of warranteed situations. They are supposed to offer roadside service and car rental when a warranteed part fails. Just try and get them to do that, they lie, scheme and finally insult not to have to provide you with free service. And here's a big shout out to Kearny Mesa Toyota. I love their customer service rep who referred to sitting on the blind curve of the freeway with small children after nearly being killed trying to negotiate the shoulder an "adventure". Isn't funny how customer service personal are trained to absolutely try their best to get out of actually providing customer service? I truly wonder how these people interact with humans in general, because they are quite bad at customer relations. In my list of evils in the universe customer service reps are about one step below the marketing profession. How's that for mean? Probably enough for one day.

Friday, July 08, 2005

If I Ever...

If I ever recuperate from this last week I may still not be normal.
I had my granddaughters all week, which in turn meant I had my niece. Mostly it was great fun, but the Fourth was disastrous bordering on tragic. We decided to take a trip up to Orange County to shop, eat, play, all that stuff. Woke up witha funny stomach, but you know I took something. Well on the I 5 northbound my little car that is only one year old started to sputter and die. I had to merge two lanes of freeway traffic while loosing power and acceleration. Don't ask me how that worked. I couldn't get ahold of my roadside service and I had three little girls and the husband in the car and one of them was crying. The most helpful and concerned people I came across that day were the 411 operator and the tow truck driver. The latter got us to a dealership where my car remained for three days while waiting for a fuel pump. In the mean time my daughter who was supposed to be following us just drove on by. I guess she knew where she was going. I called my mother (What else is a girl to do?) and when my daughter finally figured out we weren't about she called my cell and came back to pick us up. We decided to come home because by now I was fully ill. I didn't want to completely ruin the kids day so I accompanied them to the pool where I lay on the cement half dead while they swam. About the time my temperature hit 102, everybody split and I fought until I could fight no more and gave in to the evil bug.
The next morning I arose to accompany my husband and granddaughters to Legoland. I sat in the shade as much as possible while the three ran from ride to ride to ride. The girls enjoyed the day, and that's what it's all about. However in way of commentary, the place is an overpriced kiddie park. I even had discount tickets. For what it cost to get into that place I could have taken another child and adult to Knott's Berry Farm. I love Knott's Berry Farm. Another thing for a kiddie park the girls had to have an adult to ride even the tamest rides. I can tell you a merry-go-round is more hazardous than ninety percent of the rides at Legoland. It's not an age thing because Zoe is 8, it's a size thing, Zoe is short. That is fear of litigation to the point that it takes the fun out of the rides for kids who are independent, but short. Again the girls had fun, but that is the last trip I'll be making to Legoland. Mean isn't it.
Got the new Gorrillaz CD, I liked their first outing, I love the latest. Also got the new Coldplay I give it a C for Coldplay Cooled Off.
Not getting very far with my reading, hope to have some time to chillax soon, the meanie needs some down time. Ta