meansters ball

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Job Interview

I must have been a bit overwhelmed on my last post, I misspelled two words.
I have a job interview this week at a high school in the town where I live. That would be too cool!
I'm a little nervous, but I am preparing myself. Checked out the website and school handbook, so I'm better informed. Wish me cosmic luck out there in cyber land.
Watched two films this week, three actually, but I'm trying to forget the third. "Find Me Guilty" and "The Matador" . I really enjoyed them both, but "The Matador" really cracked me up. Hubby liked it too.
Well my tummy is screaming for me to eat. Taking the antibodies to fight an ear infection, so food is a necessity, Bye

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I Made It!

I am finally a full-fledged, credential toting teacher in the State of California.
Now I have to find a job, not easy in this market. Plus I haven't had to fill out an application (for a job) in nearly 20 years. I'm used to walking into a business and having jobs offered to me, gladly on my terms, based on my reputation in the industry I have been a part of for so long. This is starting over time and I am sure I am in appearance very unskilled at this. I filled out some applications here and there, even did an online app. for the county to teach in the juvenile justice system. That is a job I have desired all along. My son, the law enforcement officer, is having a hissy fit about his "sainted" mother teaching at-risk students. But I think it would be an extremely satisfying position. At least I won't be pulling over gun carrying parollees at three AM. That boy has some nerve telling me anything. Anyhow, I know I won't have any trouble finding a job as a substitute in a variety of districts, and that often leads to bigger and better jobs. I'll take whatever anyone is willing to offer me, at least to get my foot in the door. I know there are a lot of jobs open outside of SD county. The boy would really have a fit if good ol' mom moved out of town. That juvenile justice job would look a bit better if it came to that.
Hubby and I have been watching The Sopranos. The son bought the DVD series. I thought I would hate it, but it's kind of funny watching mobsters try to cope with the day to day life issues most of us have to deal with. So far it's the kid's recital, or fights at school, bullying, putting ma in a home, and what the neighbors think. It is an adult show, but it is not overwhelmed with the kind of garbage I've seen in other HBO series. I also coerced the hubby into watching The Seven Samurai. It ran commercial free on ITV, or the UCSD channel. That film has to be nearly 4 hours long. We watched the whole thing and we both loved it. Now I have to watch The Magnificent Seven to compare.
Musically my husband did something I haven't seen him do, I think ever. He went out and bought a CD. He bought the sound track to the film Last of the Mohicans. It's beautiful, what a funny guy. The Flaming Lips are going to play the infield at the Del Mar Racetrack this year. I've never been to the horse races, I may have to go this year.
I just spent a week with the grandaughters. They are just plain wild. They dragged papa and me around Knotts for about 12 hours, they swam in the pool, they swam in the ocean (for the first time). Uncle Zach gave them Boogie Board lessons. They saw fireworks shows, and watched cartoons. And I managed to gather all four generations of the women for a portrait. It is beautiful. My husband says it is the scariest picture he has ever seen. It is probably an apt description as the meanness runs in the blood. Love to all, still mean after all these years.